
Showcase your organization at NA-WAMS

NA-WAMS 2025 Exhibitor Registration

8'x 10' Booth Space includes:

Access to the Conference App with Exhibitors, Agenda & more
Identification Sign
Two (2) Exhibitor Staff Badges per 10'x10' booth
Company/Organization listing on the Exhibitor Layout
Logos listed on promotional signage at Conference
Standard 8' back drape and 3' side drape

Exhibit Pre-Sale Registration

Fees are $2,650 per 8x10 booth*

* Booth rate increases to $2,850 after Friday, January 24th

Exhibit Hall Capacity


NA-WAMS 2025 Exhibitor Rules & Regulations


If an Exhibitor must cancel their booth, or a portion of multiple booths, booth fees are non-refundable. All cancellations must be submitted in writing to the Exhibit Manager.

Floor Plan

Arctos, on behalf of NA-WAMS, reserves the right to rearrange the final floor plan based on unsold or unoccupied exhibit space.

Exhibitor Expectations

Confirmed Exhibitors will receive more detailed information on the following items:

  • How to Submit Your Company/ Organization Logo & Website
  • Service Manuals
  • Submit Exhibitor Prospectus
  • How to Register Your Exhibit Staff Badges
  • Registering Onsite Points of Contact
  • How to Receive Registered Exhibitor Staff Lists

Conference Badges

Exhibiting organizations and their representatives are required to wear ID badges throughout the Exhibit Hall. ID badges are not transferable, and NA-WAMS reserves the right to withdraw a badge used to gain admission to the Exhibition / Conference by any person other than the one for whom it was issued.

Rules & Regulations for NA-WAMS 2025 Exhibitors

  1. Exhibitor assumes entire responsibility and hereby agrees to protect, indemnify and hold harmless NA-WAMS, Arctos Technology Solutions, Steele Tradeshow Services and its subcontractors, show hosts, sponsors and co-sponsors, and the Marriott Knoxville Downtown from any claims, losses, expenses, (including attorneys’ fees) and liability arising in connection with the NA-WAMS 2025 meeting being held at the Marriott Knoxville Downtown, July 14-16, 2025. Exhibitor agrees to make no claims whatsoever for loss, theft, damage, destruction of goods; nor for any injury to himself or employees while in the exhibit hall; nor for any damage of any nature, including damage to his business, nor for any loss resulting from labor disputes, acts of god or nature, or any actions of any nature of NA-WAMS 2025 and Show Management.
  2. Upon acceptance of the booth application please understand booth fees are non-refundable.
  3. Exhibitor to notify Show Management in writing if it needs to change its booth size, change its company listing and/or contact information, as well as if it needs to cancel out of the show. Please note: In the event of total or partial cancellation (space size reduction) by Exhibitor, the booth fee will not be reduced or refunded.
  4. Exhibitor must designate a Point of Contact for the show. Information regarding the show will be disseminated to the Point of Contact electronically.
  5. Exhibitor acknowledges that NA-WAMS 2025, Arctos Technology Solutions, Show Management and its contractors, and the Marriott Knoxville Downtown do not maintain insurance covering the Exhibitor’s property. The Exhibitor is advised to carry floater insurance to cover their exhibit material against damage and loss and public liability insurance to cover against injury to the Exhibitor, its staff, and injury to others. All property of Exhibitor is understood to remain under its custody and control in transit to and from and within the confines of the exhibit area.
  6. No exhibit shall be permitted to interfere with a neighboring exhibit. Island exhibits must not include a back wall that blocks visibility of neighboring booths. In-line booth walls or equipment displayed must not exceed eight (8) feet in height. Any exceptions or modifications to the height restrictions must be approved by Show Management.
  7. No explosives, fuel, combustibles, hazardous materials, decorative materials neither fireproofed nor flameproofed, or any other materials or substances deemed hazardous under applicable fire regulations may be brought into the Exhibit Hall.
  8. Exhibitor must observe all union regulations in force in the Exhibit Hall and use qualified personnel for services.

Questions about Exhibiting?

Contact Us